Subject:                                                   Get Ready for SBLI’s New Accelerated Underwriting Program



An accelerated experience you can count on


Coming Soon, AcceleRate!



An accelerated experience you can count on

We are excited to announce that significant updates are being made to our underwriting program to ensure we continue to offer competitive products and a fast, reliable and convenient process. 

We are fundamentally changing our accelerated underwriting program and we will be offering immediate decisions on all cases and more competitive rates.  These updates are being introduced in phases with the first phase going live August 14, 2023.


In order to enhance our competitiveness and placement rates we are moving away from our “no exam guaranteed, accelerated underwriting process” to a completely new underwriting experience called AcceleRate. Additional enhancements, such as an online application option, are planned to be introduced in the near future.


Phase One Changes, Effective August 14, 2023

AcceleRate will provide one seamless application process for all digitally submitted cases and many great enhancements to our digital end-to-end Accelerated Underwriting (AU) process with an immediate decision. 


New AU Eligibility Criteria

Ages 18-50; face amounts $1,000,000 or less, all risk classes.¹

New AcceleRate Program

Accelerated underwriting cases that are approved will have no examination or APS requirements.

Traditional underwriting cases will require an examination and potentially an APS.

Please note, if an eligible accelerated underwriting case does not qualify, it will automatically pivot to traditional underwriting.

New Application Form

New application form with updated reflexive questions designed to support immediate case decisions.

New Term Rates

New highly competitive term rates offered across the board with a spotlight on 30-year durations.

New rates will be available for quoting on, iPipeline, Compulife, Appliclnt, IXN, Winflex, Techficcient, and VitalTerm on August 14, 2023.


What You Can Expect

AcceleRate will be introduced August 14, 2023. The impact of these changes with respect to the accelerated underwriting process or the term rates that will be applied are covered in the transition rules below.



Preparing For the Transition

To help ensure that there is no disruption to the commitments you make to your clients because of the accelerated underwriting changes outlined above, we are providing the following transition guidelines:

Current Accelerated Underwriting Process


Any completed application (i.e., full part 1 & 2 with signatures) received at our home office that falls within our current accelerated underwriting parameters (i.e., ages 18-60, face amounts $750,000 or less) before August 14, 2023 will be processed with our guaranteed no medical exam underwriting process.


New Accelerated Underwriting Process


Any completed application received at the home office that falls within our new accelerated underwriting parameters (i.e., ages 18-50, face amounts $1,000,000 or less) on or after August 14, 2023 will be processed via our new underwriting program, AcceleRate. Please note, if an eligible accelerated underwriting case does not qualify, it will automatically pivot to traditional underwriting and will require an examination, and potentially an APS.


No Exceptions


As we are implementing core changes to our accelerated underwriting process, we are unable to support any exceptions to these guidelines. We recommend that sufficient time is allowed for the completion (i.e., full part 1 & 2 with signatures) of any application before August 14, 2023 to ensure it follows the intended underwriting process and the intended rates are applied.


Applications for Clients Domiciled in CT


Please note, our fulfillment centers will initially only utilize voice signature to complete the application, a DocuSign™ option will be provided in the near future. Therefore, Connecticut-based accelerated underwriting applications will not be able to be fulfilled on or after August 14, 2023, until the DocuSign™ option is made available. Its introduction is planned soon.


Call the SBLI Brokerage Sales Team at 888-224-7254, option 1 or e-mail for any questions or assistance you may need.


Thank you for your continued business.

SBLI, 1 Linscott Rd, Woburn,MA,01801,USA,

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¹For term and whole life products.


Advertisement for the education of producers/brokers only. Not for use with the public. Products and features may not be available in all states. Policy Form Series #B-56, 21-P-PWL, 21-P-PSPWL. The Savings Bank Mutual Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts, Woburn, MA. NAIC #70435. © 2023 All rights reserved.  23-4206 06/23.